Machiel Braaksma
artist, writer, ornamental painter, art-teacher, performer
Personal data
Machiel Braaksma
Hearrewei 4 9073GA Marrum the Netherlands
0031(0)6 14456054
Date of birth: 21 january 1959
Place of birth: Bartlehiem
1979/ 1984 Art academy CABK, Kampen the Netherlands
1984 Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan Italy
With a lightly Dadaist slant, Machiel Braaksma plucks objects out of daily life, with which he creates new images and situations which are funny, moving or confusing and nuance or comment on life.
He chooses things from everyday life, reassembles them and creates new pieces.
Braaksma says of his work: ‘I put everything in the wrong order in the 'right' way.
'What I want from my work is that it’s original, unmistakable and that it has longevity.
I’m looking for resilient, sturdy objects that can unashamedly be themselves yet engaging.
Images with an exuberant integrity and a shameless, inner beauty.’
1986 Galerie Wijffels, Leeuwarden solo
1987 Museum Willem van Haren, Heerenveen group
1989 Galerij De Lawei, Drachten group
1989 Museum Pier Pander, Leeuwarden group
1990 Fryske kultuerried, several cities group
1991 Noordkunst, Zuidlaren group
1992 Kanselarij, Leeuwarden group
1993 Galerie Sign, Groningen solo
1994 Hooghuis, Arnhem group
1994 De Vishal, Haarlem group
1995 New age/ Dada GEWAB, Arnhem group
1995 Frieslandhuis, Leeuwarden solo
1995 Fries Filmhuis, Leeuwarden film screening
1996 Kunstruimte, Kampen duo
1996 Fries Museum, Leeuwarden solo
1997 Stichting boekwurk, Leeuwarden group
1997 Frieslandhuis, Leeuwarden group
1997 New age/ Dada Kunstruimte, Berlin Germany group
1997 Versus cinema Kunstruimte, Kampen film screening
1997 Lokaal 01, Breda solo
1998 Galerie Edition, Berlin Germany group
1998 Art Multiple, Dusseldorf Germany group
1999 ART, Frankfurt Germany group
1999 Artforum, Berlin Germany group
2000 Die Holländische Welle Stadtmuseum, Jena Germany group
2000 Rijks Universiteit, Groningen group
2001 Zoo, Zuidhorn solo
2001 Fries Museum, Leeuwarden group
2001 Home made, Leeuwarden group
2002 De kleine parade Fries museum, Leeuwarden group
2002 Floss VHDG, Leeuwarden group
2003 Her Vorm, Leeuwarden group
2003 Memories, performance with Monali Meher, Leeuwarden duo
2003 Rituels Infirmerie, Leeuwarden solo
2004 Coopmanshûs, Franeker solo
2004 Exit 49-51 Coopmanshûs, Franeker group
2004 Oerol, Terschelling group
2004 Tuinenroute, Leeuwarden group
2005 Overstappen, Marrum group
2006 De Grote Verteerder, Arnhem group
2006 Oeral binne bisten!, Marrum solo
2007 Internationale kinderboekenbeurs, Bologna Italy show
2007 NOK , Leek group
2007 Fryslân Sketst VHDG, Leeuwarden group
2008 Heapsteaps/Weest bevlogen VHDG, Leeuwarden group
2008 De kleur van Friesland Fries museum, Leeuwarden group
2008 Art Pie International/Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam group
2008 Sterk Werk, Beetsterzwaag, Tijnje, Franeker and Leeuwarden group
2008 Fries museum Leeuwarden, work for dual display museum lobby, Leeuwarden solo
2008 Kunstmaand, Ameland group
2008 Lullig & Subliem, Galerie Sign, Groningen group
2008 Road to nowhere, Kunstruimte Hiemstra, Oldeberkoop group
2009 Gele Rijder, Arnhem group
2010 Re-use,Nationaal Vlechtmuseum, Noordwolde solo
2011 Re-arranged, Museum Dr8888, Drachten solo
2011 Kunst bij de boer, Drogeham solo
2011 Little Big Bang/Kleine Grote Boem, Galerie Sign, Groningen solo
2011 Illustra Mundos Palazzo de Fonseca, Santiago de Compostela group
2012 4x Terra Annimata Galerie EM, Drachten group
2012 Bigfoot de Slachte marathon, Lytsewierrum group
2013 'Dank je de koekoek', installation, Museum de Oude Wolden, Bellingwolde group
2013 'Parade der Anderen', event, Museum Dr88888, Drachten group
2013 'Vijf Windstreken, Noord, Oost, Zuid, West, Midjaar', Malvert 7001, Nijmegen group
2014 HHHH in Dr8888, Museum Drachten/Sûnenz, Drachten group
2014 Lief dier?!, CBK Assen, Assen group
2015 Harrekrammele, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden solo
2015 The Best Ducth Book Design 2015 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam group
2015 Shanghai Book Fair, Shanghai group
2015 Beijing Design Week, Beijing group
2015 Russian National Book Festival Zhar-Kniga, Moscow group
2016 Die Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt, Leipzig group
2016 Frankfurter Buchmesse, Frankfurt group
2016 Vienna Bibliotheek, Vienna group
2016 Meermanno Museum, Den Haag
2016 Kampen revisited, Historisch Centrum, Kampen duo
2017 Curator of exhibition Moments of grace, Leeuwarden
2018 Beyond Dada en De Stijl Part 1, Museum Dr8888, Drachten group
2018 Orakel/ sop, Lân fan Taal, Culturele hoofdsta2018, Leeuwarden group
2018 Object Love, Museum De Domeinen Hedendaagse Kunst, Sittard group
2019 Bauhaus en Drachten, Museum Dr8888, Drachten group
2020 Up-date, Galerie Sign, Groningen group
2020 Liebes Ding-Object Love, Museum Morsbrioch, Leverkusen DE group
2021 Droom 1, 2 en 3, Open Stal, Oldeberkoop group
2023 Ein Paradie für die Neu Kunst, Museum Drachten, Drachten, group
2023 Dada Extravaganza, De Lawei, Drachten, group
2024 Het Bijkantoor/De Utrecht, Leeuwarden, Group
2024 Mooi & Raar in de gloria, Museum Meppel, Meppel, solo
Publications as a writer
2006 Oeral binne bisten, Publisher Bornmeer
2008 Moaie Ferhalen, Publisher Bornmeer
2015 Harrekrammele, independent release
2016 Het rode boekje, independent release, in progress
2017 De bergen fan Fryslân, Publisher AFUK Leeuwarden, in progress
2017 Tour du Monde, solo exibitionconcept, in progress
1994 Gilding chinoiserie for Harmen Brethouwer, collection Centraal Museum, Utrecht
1995 Design and execution luxurious presentationboxes voor Harmen Brethouwer
1997 Design and execution lightobject/ table for Parnas, Huis voor Kunst en Cultuur, Leeuwarden
1998 Talisman, educational project for schools, Stichting Keunstwurk, Leeuwarden
1998 Design and execution annually film Award Matad’or, Noordelijk Film Festival, Leeuwarden
1999 Play object private, Haren
2000 Uur kultuur, educational project for schools, Stichting Keunstwurk, Leeuwarden
2000 Marbling (‘Portor’) sculpture for private, Arnhem
2001 Design and execution ornament private, Haren
2001 Design assigment Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2002 Execution mural Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2003 Execution mural Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2003 Public artwork Stichting Muurtaal/ gemeente Leeuwarden
2003 Design and execution Pommerantenprijs, Leeuwarden
2003 Design and execution filmaward for digital animationfilms, Noordelijk Film Festival, Leeuwarden
2004 Design ‚dream square’ voor jenaplanschool Oldenije, Leeuwarden
2004 Mural Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2005 Mural Natuurmuseum Fryslân, Leeuwarden
2006 Mural horecava, Rai Amsterdam
2006 Marbling ‘caravaggio’, private, Utrecht
2006 Marbling ‘portor’, private, Utrecht
2007 Mural, Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2007 Design young entrepeneur award, Leeuwarden
2008 Marbling panel, private, Utrecht
2009 Execution mural, Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2010 Design landscape bench, Waterschap Velt en Vecht/ Assen
2011 Execution horse monument Dorpsbelang, Marrum/Westernijkerk
2011 Mural Stichting Muurtaal, Leeuwarden
2011 Illustra Mundos, Illustrating diversity: ‘Re-arranged, a different way of illustrating’, reading at the university of Santiago de Compostela
2012 Bigfoot sculpture, Slachte marathon, Lytsewierrum
2013 Marbling counter, SNS bank, Kampen
2013 Collaboration project, Gemeente Leeuwarden/ Blokhuispoort, Leeuwarden
2013 Fibula, contemporary interpretation, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
2014 Design village mark, Augustinusga
2016 It font, performance Harrekrammele ‘1-2-3’, Fries Museum Leeuwarden
2017 Lân fan taal, Cultural Capital 2018, Leeuwarden in progress
2020 Artistic repair, Fries Museum
2021 We unite everyone, everything, everywhere/ planetarium
2024 Wa is benauwd foar read, giel en blau, Kunstacademie Friesland, Leeuwarden
2024 CleanUp XL, Waddenvereniging, Harlingen
2025 Literaire banken, Leeuwarden Unesco City of Literature
2025 Grond, kunstwerk ivm SMOEL, Leeuwarden
Educational activities
Teacher Kunstacademie Friesland since 2015
Art education at divers elementary, high schools and adult education:
-eye bombing
-linguistic experiments
-art assembling
-theme-workshops like vision/sound association experiments
Readings and presentations, e.g. at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Work in collection
1987 Acquisition Provincie Friesland, Leeuwarden
1992 Acquisition Provincie Friesland, Leeuwarden
1994 From the series ‚Entrepreneurial statues’, tripartite multiple set, divers private
1995 ‘Memoires of an entrepreneutrial statue’, multiple, divers private
1996 ‚Memoires of an entrepreneutrial statue’, multiple, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
1997 Mobile statue ‘Onbekend woord dat een begrip wil worden’, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
1997 ‘Happy Coincidence & Coup Radical’, animationfilm, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
1998 ‚Memoires of an entrepreneutrial statue’, multiple, Galerie Edition, Berlin
2000 ‚Memoires of an entrepreneutrial statue’, drie delige multiple set, private
2001 Cameleons, gemeente Zuidhorn, Zuidhorn
2001 ‘Paraphernalia’; divers attributes and waisted statues, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
2005 Multiple book, private collection, Leeuwarden
2010 Secretarybird, composer Sytze Pruiksma, Weidum
2010 Object Locomotive, Private collection, Wageningen
2011 Object ‚Schröderhuis’, Museum Dr8888, Drachten
2011 Object ‘BAHCO’ locomotive, Private collection, Leeuwarden
2011 Mega T locomotive, Private collection, Wageningen
2015 Strange bird, Private collection, Wageningen
2015 Object Penguin on ice mountain , collection Fries Museum, Leeuwarden
2016 Object ‘Philips’ locomotive, Private collection, Bloemendaal
1993 Happy Coincidence & Coup radical, directed by Machiel Braaksma, animation
2008 Weest bevlogen, VHDG, Leeuwarden
2011 Little Big Bang/Kleine Grote Boem, directed by Klaas Koetje, Groningen
Harrekrammele Publications 2015/2016
-Article ‘It meast bysûndere boek ea’ in literary magazine De Moanne, including pictures
-Article plus colorpicture in' het Financieele Dagblad', 28 januari 2016
-Article plus colorpicture in artmagazine Beelden Magazine Villa d’Arte
-Article plus colorpicture in Eigen Huis & Interieur
-Newspaperarticle FD ‘Het levenswerk van Machiel Braaksma’, incl. foto’s
-LC ‘Hûndert laachjes yn Harrekrammele’, including picture’s
-Friese Galerij ‘Mei Wah? Met wie!, incl. foto’s
-Performance announcementtrain announcement in Fries Museum (vanaf 2:04) -LC ‘Perfect kinderboek vol oude rommel’, incl. foto’s
-FD ‘Het spoor van station Harrekrammele zit vol kwinkslagen’
-Live interview Omrop Fryslân:
2006 Nomination Artist award Keunstwurk, Leeuwarden
2006 Nomination Childrens book jury, Leeuwarden
2007 Awarded with List of White Ravens, International Jugendbibliothek, Munchen Germany
2007 Awarded with IBBY, the International Board on Books for Young people, Kopenhagen Denmark
2007 Winner Artist award 2007, Stichting Keunstwurk, Leeuwarden
2008 Nomination children's book jury, Leeuwarden 2015 Nomination Vredeman de Vries design award ‘Eervolle vermelding’, Leeuwarden
2016 Awarded with ‘Harrekrammele’ for The Best Dutch book Designs 2015, Amsterdam